Premier Specialists

Phone: 02 9598 5800

Level: Precinct

Address: 17 Kensington st, Kogarah



Trading Hours

8:30am ? 5:30pm Monday ? Friday

About Premier Specialists

Professor Dedee Murrell ? Dermatologist

Professor Murrell is an expert in adult and paediatric dermatology at the cutting edge of the diagnosis and treatment of eczema, psoriasis, acne, skin cancers, and various rare and difficult to treat skin disorders. There is a U.V. treatment centre.

Dr Alexis Lara Rivero ? Dermatologist

Dr Lara Rivero is a specialist in adult dermatology fluent in English and Spanish. He manages a wide array of conditions in general dermatology but has a special interest in psoriasis, urticaria/hives, dermatitis/eczema including contact allergy, and men?s dermatology.

Dr Tariq Khan ? Podiatrist

PhD, BSc (PodMed), BSc (Hons), CSci, MCOP, FCPodM, FFPM RCPS (Glasg), FLS.

Consultant Podiatrist, with special interest in Podiatric Dermatology.

He practices as a Conventional Podiatrist with a special interest in integrated medicine and podiatric dermatology. Dr Khan uses the Marigold Therapy as part of his management to treat for some podiatric conditions, He see patients with plantar warts and verruca pedis, neurovascular corns, fibrous corns, keratoderma, Nail trauma and fungal infection, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, hallux valgus (bunion), morton?s neuroma and epidermolysis bullosa.
